Continent of the world – All Continent With Details

Continent of the world - All Continent With Details

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Continent of the world – All Continent With Details

Continent of the world - All Continent With Details
Continent of the world – All Continent With Details

Continent of the world Area As Follows: 

  • 1. Asia Continent
  • 2. Africa Continent
  • 3. Continent Of North America
  • 4. South America Continent
  • 5. Antarctica Continent
  • 6. Europe Continent
  • 7. Australia Continent

Asia Continent

It Is The Largest Continent In The World Both In Terms Of Population And Area. 

Main Mountain Ranges And Peaks: Himalaya, Karakoram, Kunlun, Hindukush, Tienshan, Elbrus, Altai, Taurus, Suleiman, Ural 

Highest Peak: Mount Everest (8847 M), Nepal 

Main Rivers: Yangtze, Hong, Amur, Lena, Aub, Yekug, Yenisai, Irtish, Indus, Brahmaputra, Irrawaddy Irrawaddy River Is Considered As The Lifeline Of Myanmar. The Huang Ho River Is Called The Mourning Of China. 

Major Lakes: Aral, Baikal, Balkash, Tungating, Tonle Sap 

Major Desert: Gobi, Takla Makan, Kara-Kum, Thar, Kaizalkul 

Mineral Sources: Coal, Iron, Manganese, Tin, Antimony, Gold Myanmar Is Called The Country Of Mountains And Rivers. 

This Beautiful Buddhist Temple Is Known For Pagodas And Is Also Known As The Land Of Gold Pagodas. Pakistan Is Called The Country Of Canals.

Bangladesh Is Known As The Country Of Rivers And Tributaries. 

Turkey Is Called The Sikman Of Europe. 

Lebanon Is Called The Switzerland Of The Middle East. 

Bhutan Is Known As The Land Of Thunder Dragon. 

Thailand Is Known As The Country Of White Elephants. 

South Korea Is Called The Country Of The Morning Calm. 

Japan Is Called The Country Of The Rising Sun. 

Osaka Is Called The Manchester Of Japan.

Africa Continent

It Is The Second Largest Continent In The World And Is Three Times Larger Than Europe. 

It Extends On Both Sides Of The Equator. 

It Is The Only Continent Through Which Both Tropic Of Cancer And Tropic Of Capricorn Pass.

Main Mountains And Peaks: Kilimanjaro, Ruwenjori, Atlas, Drakensberg, Tibesti Massif. 

Main Rivers: Nile, Congo, Niger, Jabezi, Orange, Kasai, Limpopo, Senegal.

Major Deserts: Sahara (World’s Largest) In The North, Kalahari And Namib In The South. 

Mineral Sources: Gold, Diamond, Bauxite, Copper, Iron Ore, Cobalt, Manganese, Uranium, Lead, Zinc, Asbose, Phosphate. 

The Highest Temperature In The World Is 58° In Al-Aziziya (Libya)

Centigrade Has Been Recorded Which Makes It The Hottest Place In The World. 

The Nile Is The Longest River In The World. Its Two Tributaries Are The Blue Nile And The White Nile. 

The Blue Nile Originates From Lake Thana In Ethiopia While The White Nile Originates From Lake Albert In Uganda. The Blue Nile And The White Nile Meet At Khatum (The Capital Of Sudan) And Flow Further From There Under The Name Of The Nile. Forming A Large Delta, It Drains Into The Mediterranean Sea. 

Ostrich Is A Low-Flying And Fast-Running Bird Found In The Kalahari Desert. It Is Similar To The Ree Of South America And The Emu Of Australia. 

Cocoa Is One Of The Important Crops In Africa And Ghana And Nigeria Are The Largest Producers Of Cocoa. 

South Africa Is The Largest Producer Of Gold (47% Of The World), Diamond (95% Of The World) And Platinum, Johannesburg And The Witwatersrand Are Famous For Gold And Kimberley For Diamonds. 

Zambibar Is The Largest Producer Of Cloves In The World. The Second Place Belongs To Pemba Island.

North America Continent

North America Is Less Than Half Of Asia In Size.

Mountain Ranges: The Rockies (Spread Over 4800 Km), Alaska Range, Sierra Madre, St. Elias 

Major Rivers: Missouri, Mississippi, Yukon, Rio Grande, Arkansas, Colorado, Red, St. Lawrence 

Main Lakes: Superior, Huron, Michigan, Great Bear, Great Slave, Winnipeg, Ontario. 

Mineral Sources: Coal, Iron Ore, Petroleum, Gold, Silver, Copper The Grand Bank Near Newfoundland Is Famous For Fishing. The Main Species Of Fish Are Tuna And Salamander. 

New York Is Called The City Of Skyscrapers. Hattersfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (Atlanta, USA) Is The Busiest Airport In The World. 

Chicago Rail Junction Is The Busiest Rail Junction In The World. 

North America Produces 1/5 Of The World’s Wheat. The Prairie Region Of America Is Famous For Wheat And Corn. They Are Called The Bread Basket Of The World.

South America Continent

South America Is The Fourth Largest Continent. It Is Triangular In Shape. Its Greatest Feature Is Its Andes Mountain Range Which Extends Across The Continent.

Main Mountain Ranges: Andes (Highest Peak Aconcagua), Brazilian Highland, Guana Highland. 

Main Rivers: Amazon, Paraná, San Francisco, Orinoco, Rio Negro, Paraguay, Uruguay, La Plata

Main Desert: Atacama In The South 

Main Lakes: Marakaibo, Titicaca, Mirim 

Mineral Resources: Petroleum, Iron Ore, Silver, Gold, Copper, Tin, Lead, Zinc 

The Equatorial Rain Forests Of The Amazon Are Storehouses Of Mahogany-Like Wood. Along With This, The World’s Lightest Wood Balsa Also Comes From These Forests. 

South America (Amazon Basin) Is The Center Of Rubber Trees. The Carnauba Palm Tree (Brazil), Cinchona Bark (Quinine Used In Medicine) And Chicle (Used In Chingam) Are Products Of The Equatorial Rain Forests Of South Africa. 

South America, Mexico, Central America And The West Indies Are Jointly Called Latin America.

Europe Continent

Main Mountain Ranges: Caucasus, Alps, Pyrenees, Nawada 

Main Rivers: Volga, Danube, Dnieper, Don, Pechora, Niester, Rhine

Main Lakes: Ladoga, Onega, Vaneer Mineral Resources: Coal, Iron Ore, Mercury, Bauxite Great Britain: Scotland, Wales And England Are Together Called Great Britain. 

United Kingdom: Great Britain And Northern Ireland Are Jointly Called The United Kingdom. 

Antwerp (Belgium) The World’s Largest Center Of Diamond Trade, Finland Is Called The Country Of Lakes. 

The Dagar Bank Of The UK Is Famous For Fishing.

Australia Continent

Main River: The Murray (2500 Km) Is The Longest River. Its Tributaries Are Darling And Marramvidgi. 

Mineral Resources: Gold, Silver, Coal, Iron Ore, Lead, Zinc Bauxide, Copper, Uranium And Tungsten The McDonnell And Masprave Ranges Are In Central Australia.

The Tasmania Sea Separates Australia And New Zealand. 

Australia Is The Largest Producer Of Bauxite In The World.

Antarctica Continent

It Was Discovered In 1820. 

Roald Amundsen Was The First Person To Reach Antarctica. 

It Provides A Unique Opportunity To Scientists To Learn More About The World. That’s Why It Is Called A Continent. 

It Is The Only Continent That Is Completely Frozen. Hence It Is Known As The White Continent.

how many continent of the world

  • 1. Asia Continent
  • 2. Africa Continent
  • 3. Continent Of North America
  • 4. South America Continent
  • 5. Antarctica Continent
  • 6. Europe Continent
  • 7. Australia Continent
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