Major industrial regions of the world

Major industrial regions of the world

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Major industrial regions of the world

Major industrial regions of the world
Major industrial regions of the world

Major industri of the world – All The Countries Of The World Are Famous In One Or The Other Industrial Center, The Products Of That Country Are In Demand In All The Countries Of The World And They Export That Product To Other Country, Mainly Because There Is A Special Demand For That Product In That Country. If The City Or Area Has Been Developed, Then Let Us Know About The Major Industrial Cities Of The World, Which Leave A Different Mark On The World Stage.

Humanitarian Action In Order To Provide The Service To Build In Large Quantities In A Particular Area / Output Or Large  Industry  ( Industry Says). Due To Industries, Quality Products Are Available At Cheap Prices, Due To Which The Standard Of Living Of The People Improves And Life Becomes More Convenient.

As A Result Of The Industrial Revolution, New Industries Started In Europe And North America. After This Modern Industrialization Started Spreading. During This Period, The Advent Of New Technologies And New Means Of Energy Gave A Tremendous Boost To The Industries.

There Are Two Main Aspects Of Industries:

1)  Products Of Standard Design Are Produced In Large Quantities In Mass Production  Industries. For This Self-Propelled Machines And Assembly-Line Etc. Are Used.

2)  Division Of Labor:  Design, Production, Marketing, Management, Etc., In Industries Are Done By Different People Or Groups, Whereas In The Construction By Traditional Artisans, One Person Does Everything. Not Only This, The Same Work (Such As Production) Is Divided Into Many Smaller Tasks.

List Of Major Industrial Centers Of The World Are As Follows

CountryIndustrial CenterIndustry
AmericaIndustry Pittsburgh (Steel Capital Of The World)Iron Steel
Lance Angeles(Hollywood) Movies And Aircraft
DetroitMotor Car
ChicagoMeat Processing
BirminghamIron Steel
San FranciscoOil Refining, Shipwreck, Computer And Technology Industries
SeattleLumbering, Aluminum-Smelting
CanadaMatrialShips And Aircraft
QuebecMarine Engineering And Shipbuilding
OttawaPaper Industry

Industry Classification

Industrial Economic Activities Can Be Broadly Divided Into Four Categories:

  • Primary Sector  (Primary Sector)

It Mainly Includes Activities Related To Extraction Of Raw Materials. For Example – Mining, Agriculture Etc.

  • Secondary Sector  (Secondary Sector)

This Includes Oil-Exploiting Factories, Manufacturing-Related Industries, Etc.

  • Tritiyk Sector  (Tertiary Sector)

This Includes Services Such As Law, Banks, Health And Industries Related To The Distribution Of Products.

  • Quartile Region

This Is A Relatively New Field. This Includes Knowledge Based Industries. Such As Research, Design And Development (R&D); Computer Programming, Biochemistry Etc.

Apart From These, The Existence Of A Fifth Sector Is Also Believed Which Is The Area Of ​​Working Without Profit.

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