Vaccine | Definition, Antibody, Antizen, History, & Facts

Vaccine – It Is Used To Increase The Immunity Within The Body To Fight Against Diseases. “ Vaccine ” – Vaccine (Vaccine) Consists Of Weakened And Dead Germs, Which Are Entered Into The Body Through Injection, Scratch And Orally. Vaccines For Diphtheria, Smallpox, Polio, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Etc. Have Been Prepared. The Vaccine Was First Used By ‘Edward Jenner’ In 1796 To Conquer Smallpox.
The BCG Vaccine Is Given At The Time Of Birth. A 4-Month-Old Baby Is Vaccinated With Triple Antigen (DPT).
DPT Vaccine Is Also Given In 5th And 6th Month.
In The 18th Month, Booster Dose And Triple Antigen (DPT) Are Given.
DPT Is Given For Diphtheria, Polio And Tetanus.
Smallpox, Tetanus And Typhoid Vaccines Can Be Given At Any Time In Life.
Children Are Given Smallpox Vaccine In The Second, Third Month, Diphtheria In The Third And Fifth Month, Tetanus In The Third Month, Salk Vaccine For Polio In 2.5 Months, Sabin In The Third.
Cholera, Plague And Typhoid Vaccines Are Given In Children At The Age Of 1 Year.
Vaccine Antibody
Proteins Are Produced In Our Blood Against Antigens, Which Are Called ‘Antibodies’. Antibodies Act As Anti-Diseases In Our Body. Antibodies Are Penicillin, Streptomycin, Teramycin Etc.
Vaccine Antigen
These Are A Type Of Foreign Micro-Organisms Or Substances, Which Are Proteins In Nature And Have An Adverse Effect On The Blood Of A Person. Bacteria, Viruses (Foreign Agents) Are Antigens. Antigens Stimulate The Production Of Antibodies In Our Body.